Loving someone maybe the hardest job for some
woman, but that just doesn't work for me. In my
opinion, when I fall in love, I should find
something that makes me happy to love that
person. If somehow I feel sorrow instead of happy
around him, then I could just leave him and find
someone else to be loved.
''it isn't that simple'', a friend once told me.
I don't know is it me the one who's wrong or
her, but I do know that I can't stick to one guy
(whom I don't know whether he'll be my husband
or not)forever and feel painful if he doesn't
love me back. It's pathetic.
Sorry girls, but I just try to be realistic.
I've just seen two person's facebook, each of
them describe things in their 'shoutout', which
everyone knows that they're both feel suffer
because of love. cliche.
I know the guy. and I just wonder if they find
out that I also kinda like him.
I think I've to find another guy to be stalked,
because this H guy has made two person downhearted.
emangg the H guy , it's like cigarates once u love them then u want stick with them forever,neii i'm not pathetic , i just hoping that my dreams will be come true someday . because when i stop dreaming then i don't have any reason to waking up in the morninghehehehehehhidup gummy baerchen
ReplyDeletekok the H guy? the G guy lah, kalo indonesianya "cowok C" atau "pria P"duh, yg lagi jatuh cintaingat, dalam cinta harus utamakan ketulusanitu nampak dari sebanyak apa senyumnyakalo tulus, gak boleh paksakan keinginan, tapi justru memberi tanpa mengharaphehe.. sok tau
ReplyDeleteBetet: na ja... *hahahaPunker keren: the H guy laaah org yg gue taxir itu namanya dr H depannya. hehew
ReplyDeleteinstead of nulis paper, gue malah baca2in postingan elu -_-'anyway, unique way of thinking ris.. :p