You can close the windows and darken your room,
and you can open the windows and let light in.
It is a matter of choice.
Your mind is your room.
Do you darken it or do you fill it with light?
Do not let circumstances influence your thoughts and moods.
By rising over them mentally,
you will eventually rise over them materially.
Coba ingat ini deh:
When you choose to be pleasant and positive in the way you treat others,
you have also chosen, in most cases,
how you are going to be treated by others.
sering denger kan kl positif thingking bikin aura yg terpancar dr tubuh kita juga positif?
makanya, mending kita nyengir yuk dr pada mewek ngambek liat hal yg ga kita suka
cm sekedar berbagi aja sih..
setujuuu sistahh!!.ahaha i'm trying to be a positive thingking person nowadays!! and you know what, it's not even hard at all..hoho
ReplyDeleteakkhh..keren banget sih loo!