On the air

Now I know why didn't Qatar airways give any special price for this summer, padahal maskapai lain banyak yg kasi angebot murah2. On my way from Tegel to Doha International Airport I realized something different with the dishes. It's not that usual grey purple kind of Qatar, but it's more girly, more eye catching and more... transparent. When I asked about it to one of the cabin attendants, she said "oh yes mam, this called the new generation". hmn.... well, It's not bad but I think I love the old design more. I think it's more elegant and more... qatar-ish (karena warna ny yg dominan abu2 ungu). They also used an anti-slippery dish mat, so we don't have to hold the dish while we eat. Well... The only thing I couldn't accept is the paper cup that they used to served tea/coffee. hmn.... kemana cangkir kecil abu2 itu??? And you really should try Chicken Balti!!!! ENAK BANGEEEEEEEEEEET. wrapped like an apple pie, tapi isinya ayam... bbbeeuuuhhh... mantap lah.

well anyhow, happy holiday ya all


  1. Im not believe you dare asked to d cabin attendand about the dishes.. hahaha.. sejak kapan l wa bsa brani gtu..cieee.. gara2 aura indo kli ye..hihiihhi..have a fun holiday ;)

  2. sumpah gue nanya dodol!!! abisan norak banget design baru nya :))\how's life in Berlin sel? sate somay ngeborong apa?

  3. ka, naik qatar bro harganya? trus, umsteigen brp kali ka?

  4. nei.berlin soooo empty.. smua org balikkk.. ciihh.. g ansos sndiriann bgini..yaiyalahya ansos = anti social = ga begool .. hhehehhesaso gw borong sate kambing seperti biasaaa :D:D.hows jakarta bar??


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