Just watched this. well I know I know, am some kind of too-late-person. But... here are my expressions while watching this video : tertawa, nyengir, kaget, tertohok, mengerutkan kening, lalu diam.
Tertawa karena: "some people think of you that just because only your hand and your face are showing, that you're pressed? really?"
"when you're work in a kredit office wif brokin AC and a bunch of sweaty people? that was big time of pression!!!"
Tertohok karena: "before all the muslim hijabis are high five-ing each other, keep in mind that all muslim women who's wearin hijab is not superior of another muslim woman who doesn't wearing hijab. that's because Allah SWT, who knows why you're wearing hijab!!!"
as for me, his videos are great
wooow, this video is critically great. i was also tertohok. :(