Mommys early morning call

First of all, sorry if there are some spelling and grammatical errors. I don’t even graduate my EF course… heee

At 3 o’clock mom’s calling me. She texted me before, said that she didn’t hear much from  me lately. I think it’s kinda cute, knowing that mom wants to know everythings happened here (also my „very personal“ things).

It’s been a while since my last call. I usually call her 3 times a week. Now I do it once in two weeks. I’m not busy thou, it’s just… whenever I called her, she’s always too clumsy to have a funny nice chat with me. I don’t blame her neither I blame Azka, I know she’s been busy with Azka-thingy. But… things doing fine insyaa Allah J, she said :

orang tua walau bagaimanapun ingin tau keadaan anaknya, mau sedih, mau senang, mama maunya kamu berbagi sama mama…

Ihiy… I blushed my cheeks

Btw when we were in the Britzer Garten on Sunday, Dimas and Irvan was asking us (me and Liya) to make a „dari ketiadaan“ video (thx to our brilliant friend Irvan, who made that video even funnier with some crazy touch on it heee). We ran while Sylvia was waiting with camera down the hill. At first try I thought something wouldn’t go well if I put my shoes on. I said to Dimy, „mas, gue lepas sepatu kali ya?“, then he said, „jangan!!! Nanti takut ada… itu… (you know laaah, three words which comes out from dogs! KHA..!)“, so I decided to use my shoes although it felt a bit slipper.

But then after 4th try, and everybody was joining us to make this FUNNY video, I found my shoes ruined!!!. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, then I said again to Dimy, „mas! Sepatunya RUSAAAAK!!!“

Irvan then nimbrung-ing, „sepatu 1 euro siiiiiiiiih“

Later on Pak Taviv said, „mana boleh anjing masuk sini?“. Ouch!!! I bought it the day before! I they don’t even have name.  Video „dari ketiadaan“ yang skrng diberi nama „menyongsong masa depan“ oleh Irvan telah memakan korban. L

Hmn… I still use it thou :D, robek robek deh. Biar ga kece yang penting nyaman J. my out-of-the-blue-ruined-crocky… ,that my shoes name!!!


  1. Hahahaha, sepatu 1 euro-an sih!
    Gpp ris, biar buat kenangan, btw, sepatunya diselotip aja ris, atau dipenitiin.


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